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Techvalley's CT inspection system can be the optimal inspection solution to the industrial battery market


Techvalley focuses on technological development and listens to customer feedback
Techvalley’s CT inspection system can be the optimal inspection solution to the industrial battery market

The current battery manufacturing industry is increasingly emphasizing the importance of Quality Management due to a series of issues, therefore making competitiveness in this area crucial.

To secure such competitiveness, it’s essential to go beyond one-time equipment purchases and start relationships with the right partner capable of providing long-term and continuous solutions. Based on a flexible corporate culture, Techvalley focuses on technological development and listens to customer feedback, enabling the proposal of correct and rapid solutions.

Having focused on industrial X-ray inspection systems for decades, Techvalley understands customer needs and industrial know-how well. It has consistently provided leading solutions by developing the world’s first component counter, owning the most advanced deep learning inspection technology, thus proving to be a stabilized partner to its customers.

This extends to the battery inspection sector, where Techvalley offers a range of cone beam CT models from entry-level to high-end, addressing various customer demands and providing advantages over existing market technologies (such as Helical scan, MHS, Virtual scan, etc.).

Firstly, by significantly reducing the time taken for imaging and result verification (to a maximum of only 3 minutes), it offers improved inspection efficiency.

Additionally, the provision of a total volume merging function supports the efficient inspection of broader ranges.

All these features are achieved not just through the functions of Techvalley’s software but also through the optimization of the data processing stage, minimizing memory usage for reduction of reconstruction time.

Next, by utilizing a 4K detector, it provides the highest image quality, enabling more detailed and accurate defects detection than before. Furthermore, by offering algorithms that automatically measure and inspect defects at critical inspection points such as overhangs and welding with high accuracy, it provides a more accurate and swift inspection solution.

Beyond inspection, maintenance and repair of the equipment constitute an important aspect of continuous Quality Management. Techvalley offers an ‘automatic equipment calibration’ feature that automatically detects and corrects the error range of core components within the equipment, thereby providing reliability, quality, and convenience of the result data simultaneously.

For total inspection, meet the new AXI Series launched by Techvalley last year.

Alongside slice inspection, Techvalley’s AXI, which represents the future of AXI inspection technology with 3D full volume inspection, performs deformation inspections of jelly roll parts swiftly and accurately based on a lower false call rate.

Experience all of Techvalley’s solutions at SMT Connect 2024. Meet the future of NDT (Non-Destructive Testing) through experts at Hall 4A / Stand 125.

INLINE – Der Podcast für Elektronikfertigung

Doris Jetter, Redaktion EPP und Sophie Siegmund Redaktion EPP Europe sprechen einmal monatlich mit namhaften Persönlichkeiten der Elektronikfertigung über aktuelle und spannende Themen, die die Branche umtreiben.

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Titelbild EPP Elektronik Produktion und Prüftechnik 6

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