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OMRON – your trusted partner for inspection providing high quality sustainable manufacturing processes.

OMRON Europe B.V.
OMRON – your trusted partner for inspection providing high quality sustainable manufacturing processes.

Technological evolution of the market has made manufacturing demands more complex and diverse, with higher quality requirements. In parallel, labour shortages are only adding to these challenges. There is an urgent need to not only purchase new manufacturing equipment and improve performance, but also develop and train a skilled workforce able to support production.  We at Omron welcome the opportunity to support you in achieving those challenges.
In order to respond to these trends, Omron Inspection Systems Division is committed to:

  • Zero defect products through reliable, high-precision inspection
  • Minimizing programming time and skill through AI and quantitative inspection
  • Maximizing good-quality throughput to prevent defects through the utilization of accurate quality data from inspection equipment alongside manufacturing data.

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