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Panduit - Productivity and Profitability

Panduit GmbH
Panduit – Productivity and Profitability

Panduit - Productivity and Profitability

Higher productivity. Greater profitability.With the complexity of today’s industrial and commercial processes, this is not easy to achieve – but it is worth striving for.

For more than 60 years, Panduit has been a leading global provider of innovative physical and electrical infrastructure solutions for data centres, industrial and building automation, and related services. Headquartered in Tinley Park, Illinois, USA, and with offices in 112 locations worldwide, Panduit stands for quality and innovative technologies. With more than 5,500 qualified employees, the family-owned company generates billions in sales worldwide.

Panduit owes its outstanding market position to its constant quest for innovation and the tireless commitment of its employees. The global player invests above average in research and development, first-class production, the best possible support for its sales channels and excellent customer service. This, combined with a strong partner network, is the basis for comprehensive support, sustainability and solid business growth in the networked world of today and tomorrow. Infoservice
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