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High-speed adhesive application machine

High-speed adhesive application machine

Panasonic introduced the HDF high-speed adhesive application machine which offers fast and accurate dispensing witha range of options including two types of application heads. While most adhesive application machines utilize one type of head, the HDF offers both screw-type and air-type heads. The screw-type head ensures stable high-speed application at 0.07 seconds per shot. Through this delivery system, application is not affected by temperature, viscosity or the amount of remaining adhesive. The air-type head ensures easy maintenance and high-speed application at 0.1 seconds per shot. The HDF delivers individual nozzle theta rotation. Via this dispensing system, it can accommodate any orientation of a given component, which eliminates the need for duplicate nozzles. The application can be set freely with themachine’s three types of nozzles. Production changeover is made easy and downtime isreduced as the nozzle can be attached or detached with a single action. Multiple-shot capability also enables the HDF to handle components from 0402 chips to long connectors without program modifications.

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