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AOI System for Pre-Reflow Inspection

AOI System for Pre-Reflow Inspection

CyberOptics KS 100 in-line, pre-reflow inspection system is featuring a proprietary statistical appearance Modelling technology. Unlike conventional AOI systems that require complex programming, it learns inspection parameters and cre-ates a mathematical model of a good PCB simply by seeing a few examples of good boards. All the complexities of statistical image analysis are invisible to the user. KS 100 is accurate to 10 microns (0.40mil) and repeatable to 3microns (0.12mil). False calls are minimal: During production, the system con-tinues to collect data and update the model. Over-time performance gradually improves until the typical false call rate is less than 20.ppm. It inspects components, connectors, labels, logos and polarity marks. Programming is easy: after downloading CAD placement data, the user draws a box around each inspection site and shows the system several good examples. The system uses the collected data to construct a mathematical model without any further user involvement.

EPP 230
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