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Enhanced version of rework system

Enhanced version of rework system

Enhanced version of rework system
Metcal has launched an enhanced version of its BGA rework system, available in two models: The CSP-3500 is designed for smaller chip-scale rework, and the BGA-3590 with high-powered under-board heating for thermally demanding PCBs. Metcal’s sys-tem has a range of enhancements designed to improve performance and simplify operator use. The addition of an imaging camera provides amazing sharpness and definition when working on fine-pitch CSPs. With the aid of a prism feature, users can simultaneously look at the topside of the PCB and a superimposed image of the component underside. The images can then be accurately aligned in the X, Y and Theta axis. The improved vision system includes facilities for either solder paste or flux application without the need to remove the PCB from the machine. Key to cost-effective reworking BGA, CSP and others is the ability to quickly and accurately place components without damaging either the package or the substrate. The system addresses this issue in several critical ways: first, the improved vision obviously simplifies placement, while the board handling avoids PCB damage. But just as important is the ability to closely match the temperature profile used in the original manufacturing environment.

EPP 159
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