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Hot-stamp automatic wire marking

Hot-stamp automatic wire marking

The Eubanks AutoTab is an automatic hot-stamp wire marking system that changes printing disks quickly and accurately and allows precise placement of all markings (distance between markings, distance from wire end, number of marks near the wire ends and in the center of the wire). The printing disks are set automatically, whereby positions are remembered – eliminating the need for homing and movement minimizing. The wire moves at a maximum speed of 71-in/sec. and is rapidly accelerated and decelerated. Also set automatically are wire length, batch count, distance between marks, placement of marks, air pressure, dwell time, wire drive speed, acceleration and deceleration rates. The setup data can be entered either manually or via RS-232 interface. The machine stores up to 90 programs off-line. AutoTab is available with a cut&strip module for stripping either one or both ends of the wire with either V- or die-type blades. Wire diameter reach from 0.030 to 0.15-in, with a modification kit up to 0.3-in. With an optional sine-wave spark tester, the integrity of the insulation can be tested after the marking. Faulty wires are marked as such, and a fresh 18-in length of wire is fed into the system to clear it of the damaged wire section. The machine stops if a knot or bulge in the fed wire or other defects are detected, or if the wire fails to move forward. Operation of the machine via host computer is possible. ws

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