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Large-area printer with 3-micron alignment

Large-area printer with 3-micron alignment

The automated precision screen printer PSD 1000 of Maschinenbau Gerold features a positioning system, guaranteeing an alignment of within ±0,003mm – even for substrates up to 1.200 x 1.200mm. Therefore, very large formats can be aligned reliably with the high precision of 3 micron for the first time. Because the alignment is executed without relative motion of the substrate to the printing table, sensitive objects such as glass or wafers can be processed. The machine is capable of recognizing the stretching of the screen mesh, evaluating this during alignment. Thus, multiple printing of fine structures with high precision can be realized. There is also a patented, automated recognition function of screen wear which observes the tension of the mesh and displays the exceeding of the permitted wear-rate. The outstanding flatness of the printing table allows high parallelism to both squeegee and the screen holder. All machine parameters are steplessly adjustable and linked to each other. For example, in relation to the characteristics of a paste, print speed can be set from 0 to 0,6m/s. Furthermore, the company introduces a patented squeegee fixation. Since a squeegee blade creates a line contact between stencil and substrate, and since the blade’s position depends on printing angle, squeegee height and squeegee pressure, such a fixation is of high importance. Deformation of the blade will be avoided by special compensation. This printer can be implemented into production lines to provide highly efficient solutions according to customer’s requirements. Moreover, for this, the vendor supplies IR and UV drying and various material handling units. So, for turn-key-projects, all that is necessary is available from a single source.

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