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Photovoltaic encapsulant helps deliver more power at lower cost

Photovoltaic encapsulant helps deliver more power at lower cost

Photovoltaic encapsulant helps deliver more power at lower cost
In the drive for more cost-effective solar energy, technology leaders Oerlikon Solar and DuPont have collaborated on a new thin white reflective solar PV encapsulant sheet, called DuPontPV5223. This latest addition to the DuPontPV5200 Series of PVB sheets enables easier manufacturing of next-generation thin film PV modules that not only capture sunlight coming in, but also reflect more sunlight back through the module’s active layer, thus capturing an extra zap from every available ray of light.

DuPont materials research, guided by Oerlikon thin film manufacturing know-how, produced the DuPontPV5223 white reflective encapsulant sheet for use in Oerlikon multi-stack laminating processes. The white reflective encapsulant is placed on the back (non-sun-facing) side of Oerlikon Solar’s specially developed thin film coatings. Traditionally, reflective paints were used between the cell and the encapsulant to reflect light back to the active layer. By making a white reflective encapsulant, the company helps Solar eliminate the need for reflective paint. Designed for use with Solar’s Micromorph technology, the encapsulant increases light reflectivity by more than 50 % versus paint, to an almost perfect 94 % reflectivity. What’s more, the added reflectivity comes in a super-thin 0.45-mm sheet well suited for Solar’s low-topology module design. The sheet is more than 40% lighter in weight than traditional 0.76-mm PVB encapsulants and is manufactured using a proprietary sheet-forming process resulting in extra surface roughness, which improves de-airing in the high-volume multi-stack laminating equipment. „The PV5223 sheet enables more power from our modules, lower material use, a lighter environmental footprint, and easier lamination. It all adds up to a bright outlook for our module manufacturing customers,“ says Dr. Ivan Sinicco, Senior Manager Module Development at Oerlikon Solar. DuPont Photovoltaic Encapsulants business director Steve Cluff adds: „In rapidly evolving industries such as solar power, equipment and materials leaders often innovate faster and more effectively by increasing collaboration. DuPont’s market-driven science is supporting the solar industry’s race for lower cost per watt.“
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