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Precise, flexible and affordable rework

Precise, flexible and affordable rework

The Ersa IR 500 A rework station is a complete solution for desoldering and soldering a wide range of components such as SMDs, fine-pitch ICs, BGAs or eBGAs. The patented aperture system doesn’t demand nozzles or stencils for the various components. The use of dark IR radiators avoids overheating. The capability of connecting up to three soldering and two desoldering tools offer high flexibility. The PL 500 A unit is the perfect combination that allows precise component placement. The ball-bearing board holder guarantees exact placement free ofvibration during assemblymovement. The board can be transferred from placement to repair without having to retool. Defined stops provide for working without interruption, even when doing an entire series. A micrometer table carries out the fine adjustment of the board to the component leads with XY axis settings. Colored lighting in combination with the camera assists in the visualization of the process by a simultaneous view of board and leads when placing a com-ponent, and gives the best conditions for the soldering practice.

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