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Real-time processing for multi-purpose

Real-time processing for multi-purpose

The Feinfocus image processing software FIP600NT offers improved application capabilities: it makes X-ray inspection easier and faster. All image-processing operations can now be integrated in the real-time image. There are no more external processing operations. Instead of processing on the integrated X-ray image, the software performs all evaluations in real-time as the camera travels over the package under test and the resulting real-time image can be directly viewed with one of the various filters provided (edge extraction, balancing out grey values, difference and smoothing, pseudo colors). Filter selection is substantially eased and accelerated by a plug& play module, allowing the dragging of one or more filters simultaneously into the processing window without the need of restarting the workflow. The program gives the user a range of elements that can be freely arranged according to the application. All the company’s systems are now equipped with this software, field upgrade is possible. The software is compatible with Windows NT and all Microsoft Office programs, and it can be networked to the internet. ws

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