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Screen printer with minimized cycle time

Screen printer with minimized cycle time

Screen printer with minimized cycle time
With the SP28P-DU, Panasonic has developed a printer ca-pable of stable processingof fine pitch of 0.3mm, chip-size packages, chip-scale packages and µBGAs (accuracy ±25µm, repeatability ±7.5µm). Such precision is achieved at high speed with a unique theory of multi-acceleration system. This is based on an accurate an-alysis of printing mechanisms, involving solder-paste cha-racteristics at different speeds and pressures, the thixotropic nature of the paste, and knowledge of paste viscosity. The results have a direct impact on the printer, leading to reduced tact time compared with the previous model.The printing speed reaches 200mm/s, and the loading/unloading time including fiducial recognition was reduced to 8s. This allows cycle times of less than 10s/PCB to be achieved. The constant and low squeegee pressure is digitally controlled. To maintain fast cycle times, the PCB is separated from the stencil at high speed. A vision system inspects the distribution and quantity of paste on the pads. There are only two options: an air condition with low circulation rate to retain the flux in the paste, and an automatic paste feed.

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