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Semi-automatic X-ray inspection

Semi-automatic X-ray inspection

Semi-automatic X-ray inspection
The off-axis X-ray system MXR-160 of Macrotron Process Technologies now has an added model series. Besides the capability of automatic board loading the MXR-160 A features automatic inspection sequences. Customers are able to use the machine to run a hands off-inspection of all BGAs, flip-chips, COB or other parts without interrupting the manufacturing line. The MXR is a real time X-ray inspection systems, which was developed especially for automated analysis of boards and components with ultra-high resolution. The modular concept enables flexible configurations according to the specific applications. The semi-automatic A model series is available in two cabinet sizes: MXR-1 60A/30 (model XL with an inspection area of 22 x 24-in) and MXR-160A/21 (model M with a range of 16 x 18-in). The board will always remain in a horizontal position with any given tilt or rotating direction – which means a maximum on flexibility. This is also prerequisite for automatic loading and inspecting boards. With its manipulation system, it is possible to realize extreme angle positions (off-axis mode), which guarantees that objects such as BGA bumps are inspected at optimum angle.

EPP 234
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