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Stencil cleaning is environmentally safe

Stencil cleaning is environmentally safe

The 1500 ultrasonic stencil and pallet cleaner is guaranteed to clean any type of solder paste from fine-pitch stencils in less than 2 min if the SmartSonic 440-R SMT detergent is used. Reportedly, the process is very economic. Model 1500 cleans stencils of up to 29-in. This system is the first to have received the extremely strict cer-tifications of the CaliforniaEPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and theAir Quality Management District as an environmentally and user-safe process, thereby verifying the manufacturer’s claims of its efficency. The ultrasonic transducers carry a ten-year manufacturer warranty. The system built is of stainless steel and maintains a low profile to allow easy loading and unloading. Overall Dimensions are 26.5 x 41.25 x 34.0-in. Wash tank capacity is 26 gallons (98l). Average cycle time for wash and rinse with wet solder paste is 1 to 2 min, with dry solder paste 2 to 3 min. Wet SMT adhesives take 2 to 4 min, flux residue buildup cleans within 2 to 5 min. ws

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