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Stencils substitute polymer for metal

Stencils substitute polymer for metal

Stencils substitute polymer for metal
LPKF’s laser cutting technology enables the production of thin polymer stencils instead of conventional metal sheets. This eliminates the need for chemical electroforming with large amounts of µBGA, flip-chip, wafer-bump, or CSP apertures. Key for this achievement is the special beam characteristics of the LPKF polymer laser in combination with the material. Due to their superb paste release, these polymer stencils significantly reduce printing defects. Additionally, printing time can be three times shorter than with regular metal stencils, while the lifetime of polymer stencils is much longer. Reportedly, printer setup with transparent polymer stencils is 50% faster. Prior to cutting, the stencils are mounted to the printing frame. This prevents displacement errors through stretching, especially on very thin stencils. No glue is necessary to affix the stencil to the frame; this results in a larger usable printing area within the frame. The patented TurboCut II method, available with this system, allows for extremely fast cuts of round apertures from 3 to 31mil, at a performance of up to 30,000 holes per hour. This system seems well suited for sten-cils with 120,000 plus apertures.

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