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Strictly focused on optical inspection

Agilent has completed acquisition of MVT to build the Irish Imaging Group
Strictly focused on optical inspection

The company’s latest development in AOI technology for the electronics manufacturing industry is SJ50 system, focusing on delivering higher throughput and 0201-component inspection capability. This instrument reportedly provides higher performance, inspecting board assemblies at speeds up to 20% faster than the previous generation. An advanced digital camera technology enables faster image acquisition at high quality. The gantry enables now faster camera movements, and the optional internal dual lane reduces load and unload time to virtually zero. Updated software brings enhanced user interface and al-gorithm features, remaining compatible with the SJ10 series.

“Working with major placement-machine manufacturers, it became clear that in-line measurement data from the SJ50 is particularly useful for monitoring and improving system performance especially with 0201 parts,” states Jay Stepleton. “We will continue these relationships, and believe this will further support our leadership in the ability of AOI to address future developments.” This platform is an outgrowth of the SJ10, installed globally with over 400 systems in the past five years.
The SJ50 is said to be ”one of the most flexible AOI systems available on the market.” It features ergonomically advanced user and system interfaces,and a key differentiator of this offering is the high flexibility inherent. It can be deployedin a pre-reflow, mixed-modeor post-reflow environment, supplying the flexibility to switch between these appli-cations, adapting to continuously changing manufacturing requirements. (gbw)
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