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The changing of the placement equipment guard

Panasonic Factory Automation goes global -business groups established
The changing of the placement equipment guard

The changing of the placement equipment guard
Wolfgang Schlumprecht (a Hamburg-native) has taken over a top-management function in Irvine to expand global business
Panasonic Factory Automation (FA) will be setting up a multi account group (MAG) which will have responsibility for servicing global companies, particularly those based in Europe and America. It will serve as a superordinated link between the multinational clients, their own Panasert and Create equipment makers in Japan, and the local Panasonic service organizations.

Reportedly, this represents the response of the Corporation’s headquarters in Tokyo to the increasing globalization of the electronics industry, and the associated increase of worldwide production sites. Panasonic does not believe that the continually rising number of global players can longer be efficiently serviced only at local level. Therefore, the now established MAG structure will intensify worldwide co-operations, to ensure an optimum response to user requirements. The MAG-E formation, responsible for global accounts in Europe, will be based in Hamburg, and the MAG-A (servicing the American market), will operate from Irvine, California. In context with this development, Wolfgang Schlumprecht has taken over a top-management post in the MAG-A structure in Irvine, where he is responsible for the partnerships withinternational electronic manufacturers, and will further expand Panasonic’s worldwide activities in the US. Mr. Schlumprecht leaves after 20 successful years of running the Central European business of Panasonic Factory Automation in Hamburg. He started his career with Panasonic with a small team back in 1981, and their efforts were initially focused to Germany. In subsequent years, business was successfully expanded throughout Europe. Today, the Hamburg office branch is covering the whole of Europe, with over 100 employees, and a financial turnover of around €100m was achieved last year. Frank Borse, who has been with the company since May 1988, is now responsible for the Hamburg-based Panasert equipment sales. (gbw)
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