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Time for market recovery and beta testing

Europlacer launches modular and compact Xpress series with higher throughput
Time for market recovery and beta testing

Time for market recovery and beta testing
Twin-gantry Xpress 20 features 2 heads and 16 nozzles, achieving a placement rate of 14,000cph (0.18s tact time )
Development of the placement machines Xpress spanned years and continents, to result in what Andy Kellard, marketing manager of Europlacer, described as “a big day”. The Xpress 10 and Xpress 20 models are not remodeled or badged imports, but are the outcome of the company’s R&D center in France. These two machines are combining high speed and fine-pitch capabilities with modularity and a compact size.

The Xpress models offer an upgrade path reportedly with an extra throughput without doubling the feeder capacity, and therefore floorspace. The se-ries is compatible with the company’s existing Finesse and Vitesse machines in terms of feeders and software. The modular concept means that the placers can be used together with those machines, offering high flexibility. It will offer a lower cost alternative, and a machine footprint featuring only 1.5m wide and approximately 1.8m deep.

Traditionally, placement flexibility means a high mix at low volume. However, Andy Kellard believes that the Xpress series addresses the flexibility at high volumes. With these modular placers, the board variants can be swapped to adapt to different requirements and for output needs. For example, the compatibility issue means that they can be used alongside a Finesse or Vitesse model for increased capacity, or two or more Xpress machines can be coupled or mixed to meet capacity requirements with a choice of feeder configurations. For example, three Xpress 20 models could offer a tact time equating to 60,000cph (components per hour), while combining a Finesse with an Xpress 20 would provide 30,000cph, and a feeder capacity of 290 x 8mm tapes.
The placement head with on-the-fly vision system can analyze components from 0201 to large QFPs (50mm2). An optional, fixed upward vision camera increases to 70mm2 QFPs, 0.3mm pitch, µBGAs and CSPs. The single placement head of single-gantry Xpress 10 features 8 nozzles, while the twin-gantry Xpress 20 has 2 heads and 16 smart nozzles. The intelligent head identifies part numbers so that the nozzles can be placed anywhere within the 48-channel smart nozzle magazine. This, coupled with the fact that feeders can be changed duringoperation, increases uptime, which is estimated to be 93to 97%. The placement rateis 7,000cph (0.36s tact) forthe Xpress 10, doubled to 14,000cph (0.18s) for Xpress 20.
The design includes linear encoders on the X and Y-axes to offer the extra repeatability rather than relying on rotor encoders. There are also brushless motors, to reduce maintenance and increase life span. The series runs Windows NT programming and operating environments. Software packages, such as control balancing, management information reports and CAD interface are also available.
The options for feeder configurations offer choices that can meet production requirements. For example, feeders can be placed front and back or configured with 41 on each side, or 34 feeders can be placed on each of the four sides. Using a method of manufacturing in parallel or series formation (Fastrak), the dynamic line allocation (DLA) software optimizes production so that the boards can go through linked machines as required. The intelligent feeder system means that a feeder, as well as its logic, holds the XY-coordinates for a part, so that the feeder can be relocated and the placement information goes with it.
The inevitable question of why launch a series at this time when the market is in a serious decline, was answered by Derek Gaston, managing director; explaining that the project had taken years to develop, he believes that the beta testing is more opportune now. He admitted that when the project began, a downturn had not been seen, but he felt that after this decline is over, companies will want powerful equipment again. Gaston predicts a doubling of turnover (euro 40m last year) over the next three years, although he expects this to be a “rising curve rather than a straight line” on a progress chart.
This optimistic forecast follows a year of reshaping the Blakell Europlacer Group, with anextension to the facilities in France and the US in particular. Last year, Europlacer recorded growth in Europe, with 20% plus in the UK and France. The company has also established a sales and support office in Penang/Malaysia for the Asian market. The region, according to general manager Pat Kellard, is defined by its interest in fast-throughput machines. The modular series is particularly suited, he claims, for this market where flexibility is required at high volumes. Apparently, the aviation, military and medical industries are not experiencing any slowdown, and he thinks that the Xpress series is suitable for these areas.
Caroline Hayes
EPP 153
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