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Triple-track feeder increases capacity

Triple-track feeder increases capacity

Triple-track feeder increases capacity
With the Siplace S 3 x 8mm triple-track and the same overall module width, the number of tracks available, for example, for a S-23 or 80 F5 has increased from 80 to 120 and for a HS-50 from 96 to 144 tracks. This means 50% more capacity on the same floor space. The feeder in no way restricts the flexibility, because it processes paper and blister tapes from 7 to 15-in without limitations, and tapes can be spliced easily. For lines requiring frequent set-up changes, additional tracks are very advantageous. Instead of combining two different component types in a single set-up, it is now possible to form a cluster with three or four assembly types. This reduces secondary times in flexible production. In lines with a fixed set-up, the number of tracks required determines its length. Thanks to the 3 x 8mm feeder, it might be possible to eliminate one placement module. In high-volume productions, the gain in placement capacity, coupled with the Productivity Lift option, leads to a real increase in the production rate of more than 25%.

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