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Tube end cap for high-purity systems

Tube end cap for high-purity systems

Tube end cap for high-purity systems
Tube systems for the semiconductor industry have to provide high purity and at the same time great flexibility. Users have to take into account future pipework alterations and completing an installation in the shortest possible time. Dockweiler developed an end cap, consisting of the components, tube weld end, cap and clamp. The tube weld end is orbitally welded as a firm part of the installation. The tube is closed with the cap by simple fastening of the clamp. Therefore, no damaging of the tube end can happen, the tube remains orbitally weldable for later extension. Cap and clamp are reusable. The end cap can be installed and unfastened easily and safely for temporary line capping in high and ultra high purity installations. This means that the practice of sawing tubes and facing them to enable another orbital weld, and the risk of particle generation into an existing pipe system are now gone. The cap is available in all imperial, ISO and metric dimensions, and can additionally be supplied with a VCR-branch in all Dockweiler surface finishes.

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