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Vectoral imaging for improved accuracy

Vectoral imaging for improved accuracy

Vectoral Imaging from ViTechnology significantly advances accuracy, speed, and reliability in inspecting components on printed circuit boards. It offers fast programming time, unprecedented accuracy in error detection, and low false failure rates. This process has the ability to adapt to the shape, size and orientation of every component on the board. By analyzing the geometric information from the features (line segments, arcs, circles, angles, etc.) and spatial relationships, vectoral imaging is able to precisely and repeatably determine the position of the component without regard to the rotation, size, or appearance of the component. It can accommodate changes in appearances such as extra features on components, and even occlusions, where overlapping parts cause a portion of a component to bepartially hidden, or ”occluded” from view. Vectoral imaging is up to 10-times more accurate than conventional methods. It first identifies and isolates the key features within a component image, and measures salient characteristics such as shape, dimensions, angles, arcs and shading. Vectoral Imaging then corresponds the spatial relationship between the key features of a sythetic image (the reference image) to the image of the component being inspected.

EPP 215
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