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Advanced rework system

Advanced rework system

Based on the Fineplacer with vision alignment system, a semi-automatic rework system was introduced which maintains a placing accuracy of 10µm in the rework area, which is sufficient for highest BGA, CSP, and flip-chip demands. A motorized air cushioned XY planar table with a high-resolution Z-axis is integrated. This allows, in connection with an additional linear movement, the processing of large substrates as well as the supply of components to the trays or waffle packs in one step. Sensors on the placer arm in connection with a Z-movement of the substrate allow the placing of components with defined force and without angle errors. Besides the automated processing of small lots, it is possible to respond flexibly to different layout requests in the teach-in-mode. A hot gas reflow module offers additional possibilities of multi-level programming for top and bottom heating.

EPP 165
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