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Efficient laser system for selective soldering

Efficient laser system for selective soldering

Efficient laser system for selective soldering
With the selective laser soldering systems LXM 3300 of Seho, solder is supplied by an integrated wire supply, paste dispenser, or already has been printed before. For labs and small production runs, the off-line system LSM 3300 with 3-axis robot and gripper might be the best solution, and for large volumes, the in-line LSR 3300 with Scara robot is available. Here, the assembly remains in the conveyor, and the robot positions fluxer, wire and laser at the solder joints. A special feature is the 2D scan head, allowing simultaneous soldering. It enables a quick positioning of the beam within a maximum area of 80 x 80mm. The beam can create different forms, for instance, lines, circles, rectangles, etc. The head also makes it possible, for example, to heat up the two sides of an IC si-multan-eously. Moreover, a pyrometer measures directly in the laser beam and therefore allows an exact temperature adjustment. A laser is the ideal source of energy for heat transfer to an assembly, since it occurs without fluctuations, drifts or signs of wear, and is re-markably reproducible. With the system, the whole energy is brought into the solder joint without any effect on the near ambiance. The laser, moreover, only works when it is needed; there is no stand-by and no unnecessary positioning. A camera makes for an easy set-up and allows the visualization of the process.

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