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Good business forecasts for Asia exhibitions

electronicAsia taking place together with LaserAsia in Hong Kong
Good business forecasts for Asia exhibitions

According to forecasts for the electronicAsia 2000, a trade fair for components, assemblies and electronics production from October 11 to 14 2000 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, prospects for exhibitors already look excellent, declared the organizers, Messe München and the HK Trade Development Council. This is the fourth time that electronicAsia will take place, now together with LaserAsia 2000 and conferences on automotive and telecommunications topics.

The markets for components, including PCBs, are booming worldwide – and also for board assembly equipment. For the period between 1999 and 2002, Reed Electronics Research expects Southeast Asia to play a key role in the components market, with high growth rates in Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines. Based on their surveys, the Indonesian market is expected to rise by 33% to US$1.38bn. Thailand and the Philippines are expected to grow by 30% each to 3.76 and 1.34bn respectively. For Japan, considered the biggest market, growth of 25% to US$59.4bn is anticipated. Forecasts for printed circuit boards predict the highest growth rate for the Philippines, which are currently one of the smaller markets. Here market researchers anti-cipate growth of 55% to US$234m. The larger markets can expect to grow at about 30%: Japan, for instance, to 7.64bn, Singapore to 1.41bn, and Taiwan to 1.34bn.
The organizers point in particular to the joint participation projects planned by China, Taiwan, India, Great Britain and Germany, and to the individual participation of companies from Japan, Hong Kong and the US. All these developments emphasize the increasing importance of these events for European and international exhibitors. At the exhibition, components, sub-systems, and equipment for the manufacture of components and assemblies will be on view. Display technology is concentrated in a special area: in which exhibitors will present their innovations and customized solutions.
This year, LaserAsia 2000 is taking place for the second time. It has gained a position as a central forum for the laser industries of Southeast Asia and China. It is to be every two years on the same dates as electronicAsia. Synergies result from two other exhibitions also being held at this time at the HK Convention & Exhibition Centre: they are the Electronics Fair 2000 and the International Lighting Fair 2000. Hong Kong, as a focal point for electronic products and manufacturing technologies, has proved a successful exhibition site. The figures of electronicAsia may be used for verification: the number of exhibitors went up by 19.4% to 380 in 1999, whereas foreign companies made up a total of 59.7%. The number of visitors rose by 5.2% to 22,896. The five most important countries from which visitors came included China with 2,716, Taiwan with 1,079, Korea with 622, the USA with 616 and Japan with 450 registered visitors. From Europe, 2,013 visitors attended the exhibition.
Joachim Ensslin, managing director of the Messe München, underlining the strategy: “With the electronica trade fair and the Laser and Productronica that have developed from it, the exhibitions at our Munich location have become global events for the relevant industries. Exhibitors and visitors from all over the world rely on the quality of our exhibitions. For our activities abroad, we co-operate closely with strong local partners with an in-depth knowledge of the market. As a consequence, the exhibitors can also rely on our expertise and on our support.” (gbw)
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