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Upgraded single axis tracking system

Upgraded single axis tracking system

Upgraded single axis tracking system
Mp-tec present the second generation of its single axis tracking system Skytrap. The latest generation offers a module surface area of up to 18 square metres on a galvanised steel platform. The new version features an even more precise sensor than its predecessor. It guarantees a maximum deviation of less than two degrees relative to the sun and achieves the highest possible irradiation yield. The highly sensitive sensor cells react even at low global irradiation, increasing yields by up to 30 percent in comparison with static systems. The high efficient sensor consumes only 0,1 volt-ampere in the operating mode. An integrated control electronics adjusts the alignment of the modules automatically from dusk to dawn.

The module platform is slewable through a rotating axis up to 90 degrees. Low-maintenance polymer mountings enable a constant and even rotating movement. In designing the linear drive with direct control, the developers particularly focussed on the stability of the system under wind and snow loads. Therefore the system features integrated overload protection for the drive motor. Skytrap is suitable for use in winds up to force 12 on the Beaufort scale and, with its premium materials, guarantees a long service life even in extreme climates. Weatherproof components enable the geographically flexible use. The system was designed to operate at temperatures between minus 25 to plus 70 degree Celsius and is based on long-term approved and profiles made from aluminium and stainless steel. Those profiles are elements of the companies Quick-Line mounting systems.
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